
It sounds like you have the typical signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency – swelling, heaviness and/or tiredness combined with visible spider and/or varicose veins, skin changes and/or slow healing wounds. You should be evaluated by an Interventional Radiologist or another vascular specialist with a physical examination and probably an ultrasound of the legs.

In most cases, symptoms can improve by procedures such as endovenous closure of the saphenous vein, foam sclerotherapy or Varithena, radiofrequency ablation or, the latest procedure – Venaseal.

Pain or cramping when walking that improves with rest is called claudication, and suggests the presence of PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease). This can develop into a serious problem if left untreated, especially if you notice that the problem is getting worse. A consultation with an Interventional Radiologist or another vascular specialist is strongly recommended.

Legs that wake you up at night can mean one of two things


Cramping or restlessness at night that improves with walking around or elevating the legs is a common symptom of venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency is an inherited disease that can be worsened by your environment. If you tend to have a job requiring you stand all day, such as a bank teller or cashier, or are overweight, sedentary or pregnant, you will be more likely to experience symptoms of venous insufficiency. What is happening in your body is that the veins in your legs, which are designed to transport blood one-way back up to your heart, are instead allowing blood to flow backward or reflux down the leg. This causes increased vein pressure, which leads to swelling and discomfort and commonly restlessness or cramping at night. People with this problem often get temporary relief when they elevate their legs. If this sounds like you, there are simple procedures that can give relief. A consultation with an Interventional Radiologist or other vascular specialist is recommended.


Cramping or burning pain in the legs at night that is improved by hanging your legs over the side of the bed (rather than walking or elevating the legs) is considered a classic sign of PAD. This type of pain is called “rest pain”, and as opposed to a pain that occurs only when walking/exercising suggests a more severe form of PAD that can carry risks of gangrene or ulcer or even amputation.

See an Interventional Radiologist or another vascular specialist right away!